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Lyquid: Makers of Mimzy

June 2009

🚀 Lyquid Launches

Our company opened! For 14 years, we have been building and supplying highly functional dynamic websites to a range of business industries.

June 2009
March 2012-Present

Elevating Lyquid

Since 2012 (10 years ago!), we have been developing business strategies, centralizing communications, and launching unique advertising methods for respectable industries.

March 2012-Present
September 2018

Refocusing Efforts

In mid to late 2018, we began to refocus our efforts. Along with all that we have learned over the years, we began to seek ways to develop methods that HELP & ASSIST real life people (like yourself) in gaining better, more efficient tools that directly and positively impacts an individual’s health and wellbeing.

September 2018
February 2021

Enter Mimzy

In early 2021, two of us directly utilized a unique diet program in their personal lives. Through these efforts, they discovered gaps in the overall method and approach to ‘taming’ the beast of the diet. 🤣 Branded diets are extremely overwhelming and ill prepared for the many people who truly need a dependable and respectable medical approach. This is when Mimzy went into development.
February 2021
November 2022

✨Mimzy Launches!

After a year of dedicated focus on building a set of Diet & Wellness tools that holds the strength to empower people’s diet journeys, we are thrilled to announce we are ‘live’ and available to begin serving Mimzy to the USA, Canada, and the UK! 

November 2022

We’re Lyquid. And with that, we are many things!

We are so happy to have gained the opportunity to launch Mimzy, bringing to market a new health and wellness solution specifically for the many people around the world seeking to improve daily food consumption, digestive behavior, microbiome, physical and mental health, among several additional areas similarly related.

In a way, you could consider Mimzy as your personal “survival toolset” to complex life.

Planning, preparing, starting, and maintaining a new health and wellness program can be disheartening, highly stressful, overwhelming, and defeating. This is the core of why Mimzy was developed.

When we dove deep into our health, we found ourselves against far too much with too little actual guidance that could translate into everyday life. Your healthcare provider and coach can only do so much to hold your hand. With that in mind – you need an easy toolset to take the vast majority of stress and confusion out of your way!

Mimzy is an excellent supporting tool, accessible on any device. Mimzy includes a series of tools, guides, and planners that significantly assist anyone going through, or beginning to approach, their personalized health and wellness program.

Through trial and error, endless hours of research and experimentation, working with local doctors throughout the Boulder, Colorado area… We developed a straightforward “Survival Toolset & Planner” that virtually ANYONE can use.

Both patient and health practitioner gain incredible convenience and efficiency through the usage and adoption of Mimzy.

Interested? Meet Mimzy!

Company Leadership

Ashley Serani

Director of Business Operations & Support

Ashley ran and oversaw operations of a retail business for 13 years. She managed 40+ employees and balanced two company locations with the final 6 year stretch. She consistently achieves company goals year after year, promotes healthy and positive team building and coaching, and consistently promotes supporting the customer’s needs.

Ashley’s focus has now been brought into the digital world of operations and team strategies, that includes her strong leadership in management and support. When she’s not laser focused on leading teams and company improvement, she’s diving into yoga & Pilates, kicking back with a book, hitting the gym, enjoying a great walk outside, or just relaxing with a nice glass of grape juice (yeah, #healthydiets….).

Jeff Serani

Director of Business Strategy & Development

Jeff has been building digital recognition, promotion, and strategies for companies in need for over 14 years. He is one who strongly believes positivity and honesty is ready to be reintroduced in the B2B/B2C relationship. Having had the pleasure of working with hundreds of businesses spanning several industries around the globe, Jeff is driven by the pleasure of helping others through unique opportunities.

Jeff spends the bulk of his time leading Lyquid, an agency supporting clients globally. In its 14th year, Lyquid continues to deliver clients with customer|market intelligence that assists in customized advertising. Oh, he also likes to hang outside with friends, cook things he can’t eat (thanks food sensitivities! lol), walk around Chicago, and hit the beach.