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Supporting your
Diet, Fitness, & Mental Health

Mimzy's Features

Navigate between each tab below to learn about each of Mimzy’s features. 

When you purchase Mimzy, all features (including advanced features) within each component you select to purchase will be included!

Mimzy's Diet Manager
Food Worksheet

It starts here! Using Mimzy’s in-depth Food Library (which is supported in both Imperial and Metric systems), you can easily select each food item to include in your diet, or future plans, such as for elimination or reintroduction diet programs.

Daily Eat, Symptom, Bowel Journal

Mimzy provides a straightforward place to stay up-to-date on your daily health progress by integrating several areas that all play factors in our digestive balance. Track stress, sleep quality, weight, what you ate, and more!

Daily Nutritional Goals

Based on guidance from your healthcare provider, including your own goals, you can set your top-level nutritional path, including: Calculating your BMR, Calories, Carbs, Protein, Fiber, Fat, and Sugar.

Breakfast, Snack, Entrée Meal Creator

Mimzy includes three types of Recipe Creators. This one is divided into unique groups for Breakfast, Snack, and Entrees. Foods added to your Food Worksheet are immediately available in all your recipe creators.

Full Day Recipe Creator

Mimzy’s Full Day Recipe Creator supports planning an entire day’s worth of food consumption, instantly seeing the total nutritional calculations based on your daily goal settings. Mimzy supports up to 28 individual Full Day meal planning.

Meal & Snack Summary + Nutrition List

An excellent and fast reference that includes all recipes you have created, Mimzy creates an easy to read Meal & Snack Summary list helping you quickly view a nutrition list of all custom recipes and snacks you create.

Daily Meal Map Planner

Quickly and easily construct your day-to-day eating plans. This tool supports planning up to three full weeks at a time. Select the recipe from your Recipe Creator, and Mimzy will do the rest!

Isolated Planned Food Focus

It all starts here. Using our in-depth Food Library, which is supported in both Imperial and Metric nutritional measurement systems, you will be able to easily select each of your Diet Reintroduction Program foods.

Grocery Shopping List

Staying organized and ahead of the game with grocery planning helps you stay successful in your Diet journey. Mimzy’s Grocery Shopping List automatically gathers all foods you select in your Recipe Creators, making an easy to use list for your shopping needs.

Food Nutrition & Classification Library

Mimzy’s in-depth library includes a range of helpful information based entirely on the food item selections you personally select for your diet – with support in either Imperial (English) or Metric measurements.

Supplements & Medications List

Repairing your body’s digestive system may include the need to introduce supplements and new (or existing) medications you currently consume. Mimzy keeps this easy for you and your healthcare provider to track.

Diet Wallet Card

Your digital “Diet Wallet Card” helps you to quickly see on your mobile device which foods you want (or need) to avoid. You may be in a restaurant wondering what food(s) to avoid… just open up Mimzy, seeing your list right there!

Recipe & Diet Notes

Your own ‘scratch pad’ to add in references, such as: Recipe inspirations, Ideas for future meals, Notes from your healthcare provider as it relates to your diet progression, along with anything else that helps your goals.

Diet Tips & Stress/Bowel Charts

While short and sweet, when Mimzy discovers diet tips that may be universally applied for newcomers of virtually any diet program, Mimzy adds this information within your Tips section.

Initial & Follow-Up Symptom Surveys

The Symptom Surveys can be of great benefit to reference your level of success throughout your food reintroduction diet program. Mimzy provides several surveys you can complete on your own, or with the guidance of your provider.

Standard Form Health Assessment Surveys

Along the lines of the included Symptom Surveys, Mimzy also includes Standard Form-36 health assessments as developed by the Medical Outcomes Trust in Boston, MA. Surveys are great to refer to, helping you view your physical progress.

Toolset Support Tips & Help Desk

All software comes with a learning curve and at times, growing pains. Mimzy includes a reference for each feature that guides you to the Knowledge Base website, providing you with in-depth video walkthroughs and How To guides.

US (Imperial) & Metric System Support

During your Mimzy purchase, you will select which measurement system you prefer. You can opt to use either US (Imperial) or the Metric measurement system. This helps to guide your Recipe Creators and daily eating plans.

Food Family Lookup (Advanced Version)

As you explore what foods impact your body, it is of great benefit to know what foods share a given food family. Mimzy’s included Food Family Lookup gives you access to quickly lookup what food family an item is apart of, while also displaying similar food items within that family.

Advanced Rotation Diet Meal Planner (Advanced Version)

Mimzy’s advanced Food Rotation Meal Planner helps to solve the unique challenges we all face with a Rotation Diet. Mimzy brings in key elements to planning—balancing your diet in a way that makes it much easier to approach.

Printable Recipe Cards (Advanced Version)

For any recipe or full day plans you create, Mimzy supports printing those recipes (or full daily plans) for easy reference in your kitchen. Mimzy supports all Recipe Planners: Breakfast, Snack, Entrée, Full Day Planner, as well as the Advanced Rotation Meal Planner.

Mimzy's Fitness Manager

Mimzy is currently working hard to build this new component!
Configure your radar accordingly by using the form below in order to stay tuned for updates!
Our satellite network will send word upon launch.

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We will simply send you an email once we launch new components of Mimzy.

Mental Health Support

Mimzy is currently working hard to build this new component!
Configure your radar accordingly by using the form below in order to stay tuned for updates!
Our satellite network will send word upon launch.

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This will not sign you up for a newsletter.
We will simply send you an email once we launch new components of Mimzy.

Blast off with Mimzy!

Grab a free demo of Mimzy!

If you have any questions, feel free to let us know via: ppa.y1728075569zmim@1728075569selas1728075569

Demo Request - Generic Public Version
We will address these questions within the email we send to you with the demo information. Keep an eye on your Spam folder in case our email to you lands there!

We will send you a separate email with the relevant links (keep an eye on your spam folder!). After you review the demo, we are available for any follow up questions that come to mind.

Demos are fulfilled within 1-2 business days. You will receive a video tour explaining how Mimzy works, along with the benefits for both patients and practitioners. 

LEAP Diet Food Worksheet with Phase Activation
Food Worksheet

Mimzy’s Food Worksheet provides you easy support to:

  • Track the foods you would like to flag as potential threats to your digestive system
  • If the food item is one you still need to try introducing into your diet
  • The Sensitivity Level
  • The Phase Introduction of the food item
  • The Food Category
  • Whether the food is safe to continue eating
  • Whether to fully remove the food from your diet
  • Along with personal notes you would like to document regarding your experience with the food item
  • Isolated Food Planning to “activate” a given Phase, which works directly with all Recipe & Daily Meal Planners
LEAP Diet App Eat Symptom Bowel Journal
Eat, Symptom, Bowel Daily Tracker Journal

Mimzy’s Eat, Symptom, & Bowel Journal provides you (and your healthcare provider) easy support to keep track of the following:

  • Your daily Stress Level
  • The previous night’s Sleep Quality and Total Time Asleep
  • The latest Food Item* and/or Medication or Supplement you introduced (*which includes an easy selection based on foods you selected in your Food Worksheet!)
  • Current Weight
  • Mark any day that includes a Fitness Session
  • Option to “Flag” the day if you experienced reactions from the latest Food or Supplement introduction 
  • Eating Tracker that includes:
    • Time of Consumption
    • Manual food item entry
    • a “Smart” ingredient filler based on meals and snacks you added into the Recipe Creators
  • Symptom Tracker that includes:
    • Time of Symptom (separate from your eating times)
    • Manual entry of your Symptoms, along with any notes you would like to add in for you and your healthcare provider to review
  • Bowel Tracker that includes: 
    • Time of Bowel Movement
    • Bowel “Type” based on the “Bristol Stool Chart”
    • Manual note entry section
LEAP Diet App User Settings - Single Macro Setting
Nutritional Goal Settings

Mimzy’s Nutritional Settings provide support for your day to day meal planning, allowing fast understanding of your estimated nutritional consumption.

  • Mimzy provides an easy to use BMR calculator to assist you in targeting your minimum caloric needs. 
  • Guidance provided* in order to best identify your level of activity as it relates to your daily caloric needs. 
  • Easy input for your minimum and maximum nutritional needs, which includes support for:
    • Calories
    • Carbs
    • Protein
    • Fiber
    • Fat
    • Sugar

*Always refer to the guidance of your personal healthcare provider to decide the best nutritional ranges your body needs. 

LEAP Diet Recipe Creator Sample
Breakfast, Snack, Entrée Meal Creator

Mimzy’s Meal Creator includes:

  • Recipe Name
  • Food item selector based on foods entered and supported with the vast Food Library
  • Personal recipe notes
  • Custom serving sizes based on the Food Library default food item’s nutritional information
  • Selector to highlight if the recipe can be prepared and frozen for easy reference
  • Recipe inspiration and reference link
  • Automated recipe nutritional calculations supporting: Calories, Carbs, Protein, Fiber, Fat, and Sugar
  • Easy food purchase selector that automatically gets fed into your Grocery Shopping List
  • A full recipe summary including all nutritional totals for fast and easy viewing
  • Starter Recipes to use for guidance at a click of a button
Breakfast, Snack, Entrée Meal Creator

Mimzy’s Meal Creator includes:

  • Recipe Name
  • Food item selector based on foods entered and supported with the vast Food Library
  • Personal recipe notes
  • Custom serving sizes based on the Food Library default food item’s nutritional information
  • Selector to highlight if the recipe can be prepared and frozen for easy reference
  • Recipe inspiration and reference link
  • Automated recipe nutritional calculations supporting: Calories, Carbs, Protein, Fiber, Fat, and Sugar
  • Easy food purchase selector that automatically gets fed into your Grocery Shopping List
  • A full recipe summary including all nutritional totals for fast and easy viewing
  • Starter Recipes to use for guidance at a click of a button
Breakfast, Snack, Entrée Meal Creator

Mimzy’s Meal Creator includes:

  • Recipe Name
  • Food item selector based on foods entered and supported with the vast Food Library
  • Personal recipe notes
  • Custom serving sizes based on the Food Library default food item’s nutritional information
  • Selector to highlight if the recipe can be prepared and frozen for easy reference
  • Recipe inspiration and reference link
  • Automated recipe nutritional calculations supporting: Calories, Carbs, Protein, Fiber, Fat, and Sugar
  • Easy food purchase selector that automatically gets fed into your Grocery Shopping List
  • A full recipe summary including all nutritional totals for fast and easy viewing
  • Starter Recipes to use for guidance at a click of a button
LEAP Diet App Daily Meal Map Planner
Daily Meal Map Planner

Mimzy’s Daily Meal Map Planner is based on the recipes you enter within the Breakfast, Snack, Entrée, and/or Full Day Recipe Creators and the nutritional goal ranges you entered when inputting your User Settings. 

This helpful tool gives you immediate insight into how your day-to-day eating will support your body’s nutritional needs. 

With color indicators and automated calculations, learn if you are below, above, or within your daily nutritional goals. 

The Daily Meal Map Planner supports up to 21 separate days of planning.

LEAP Diet App Grocery Shopping List
Grocery Shopping List

Mimzy’s Grocery Shopping List includes:

  • Gathers all foods you select to purchase in your Recipe Creators
  • Automated duplicates removal in the event you select two or more of the same food to purchase, keeping your shopping list clean and organized
  • Option to set the:
    • Amount needed of the grocery item
    • Selectors of where it is located in the grocery store
    • Whether to purchase online
    • Notes for your purchase needs
    • Checkmark to automatically “cross off” any foods while you are in the grocery store or purchasing online
    • And filters to isolate grocery store departments or all online items, helping to focus your shopping experience
LEAP Diet App Food Nutrition and Classification Library
Food Nutrition & Classification Library

Mimzy’s Food Nutrition & Classification Library provides incredible support, giving you insight into a range of information for each food you select to reintroduce. This saves you hours of research time and quickly provides you insight into a range of information for the food item, including:

  • Foods specific to what you select within your Food Worksheet
  • Food Category
  • Default serving size for the food item
  • Base nutritional information for the food item (Calories, Carbs, Protein, Fiber, Fat, Sugar)
  • And where Food Classifications are available:
    • Food Species of the food item
    • Plant Genus of the food item
    • Sub-Family 
    • Food Family

The information provided greatly assists you in several areas of your diet success, including the 3-Day Rotation Schedule once you have successfully completed your Food Phased Reintroduction program.

LEAP Diet Supplements and Medications Manager
Supplements & Medications List

Working directly with your healthcare provider, the Supplements and Medications List allows easy input of all current and upcoming consumption. 

This feature supports: 

  • Supplement or Medication name
  • Start / Introduction Date
  • Dosage Instructions
  • # of Times Per Day
  • Activation for each, which directly connects to your daily journal
  • Special “Groups” where you select which supplements or medications to take at the same time, which also directly connects to your daily journal!
  • We even connect this to your Grocery Shopping List, just like every Recipe Creator—helping to keep you nice and organized.
Breakfast, Snack, Entrée Meal Creator

Mimzy’s Meal Creator includes:

  • Recipe Name
  • Food item selector based on foods entered and supported with the vast Food Library
  • Personal recipe notes
  • Custom serving sizes based on the Food Library default food item’s nutritional information
  • Selector to highlight if the recipe can be prepared and frozen for easy reference
  • Recipe inspiration and reference link
  • Automated recipe nutritional calculations supporting: Calories, Carbs, Protein, Fiber, Fat, and Sugar
  • Easy food purchase selector that automatically gets fed into your Grocery Shopping List
  • A full recipe summary including all nutritional totals for fast and easy viewing
  • Starter Recipes to use for guidance at a click of a button
LEAP Diet App My Notes Links
Recipe & Diet Notes

While straightforward, this feature gives you an easy place to keep your Recipe and diet notes contained to a single area. 

It’s easy losing diet notes, especially with the complex Food Reintroduction program. (we know from personal experience!)

We help keep things easy for you, and this is among those added helpful benefits of using Mimzy. 

LEAP Diet App LEAP Tips and Charts
Mimzy Tips

We went through our own personalized food reintroduction/elimination diets. 

Let’s simply say… it was NOT an easy experience. 

While short and sweet, when we do find tips that can be universally applied for newcomers of Mimzy, we expand and include this information within the Tips section of Mimzy. 

LEAP Diet App Initial Symptom and Follow Up Survey
Initial Symptom Survey + Follow Up Symptom Surveys

Mimzy’s Food Worksheet provides you easy support to:

  • Track the foods you would like to flag as potential threats to your digestive system
  • If the food item is one you still need to try introducing into your diet
  • The Sensitivity Level
  • The Phase Introduction of the food item
  • The Food Category
  • Whether the food is safe to continue eating
  • Whether to fully remove the food from your diet
  • Along with personal notes you would like to document regarding your experience with the food item
LEAP Diet App Standard Form Assessment Survey
Standard Form Health Assessment Surveys

Mimzy’s Food Worksheet provides you easy support to:

  • Track the foods you would like to flag as potential threats to your digestive system
  • If the food item is one you still need to try introducing into your diet
  • The Sensitivity Level
  • The Phase Introduction of the food item
  • The Food Category
  • Whether the food is safe to continue eating
  • Whether to fully remove the food from your diet
  • Along with personal notes you would like to document regarding your experience with the food item
LEAP Diet App Toolset Support
Full Toolset Support

The Mimzy Food Worksheet provides you easy support to:

  • Track the foods you would like to flag as potential threats to your digestive system
  • If the food item is one you still need to try introducing into your diet
  • Your Sensitivity Level
  • The Phase Introduction of the food item
  • The Food Category
  • Whether the food is safe to continue eating
  • Whether to fully remove the food from your diet
  • Along with personal notes you would like to document regarding your experience with the food item
Breakfast, Snack, Entrée Meal Creator

Mimzy’s Meal Creator includes:

  • Recipe Name
  • Food item selector based on foods entered and supported with the vast Food Library
  • Personal recipe notes
  • Custom serving sizes based on the Food Library default food item’s nutritional information
  • Selector to highlight if the recipe can be prepared and frozen for easy reference
  • Recipe inspiration and reference link
  • Automated recipe nutritional calculations supporting: Calories, Carbs, Protein, Fiber, Fat, and Sugar
  • Easy food purchase selector that automatically gets fed into your Grocery Shopping List
  • A full recipe summary including all nutritional totals for fast and easy viewing
  • Starter Recipes to use for guidance at a click of a button
LEAP Diet Advanced Rotation Meal Planner
Food Rotation Meal Planner

The tools included within the Advanced Food Rotation Meal Planner: 

  • Isolating the selection of food families to only the food families that pertain to your selected diet.

  • Visual indicator when you select a food family more than once per a 3-day period.

  • Isolating food selection to only the foods within the selected food families.

  • Option to include “base ingredients” into any day you are planning.

  • Option to include your pre-selected “processed” foods.

  • Instant Food Family Lookup that directly assists in planning your day.

  • Instantly updated “Available Foods” based on your specific
    selections (for easier planning).

  • Base “Starter” Recipe directions.

  • Food Item Recipe Notes.

  • Preparation Method selection per food item.

  • Custom serving size input.

  • Default serving size and real-time nutritional data calculation based on your custom serving size input.

  • Total daily nutritional calculations based on your custom daily nutritional goals for: Calories, Carbs, Protein, Fiber, Fat, and Sugar with visual indicators telling you if you are “above, below, or within” your daily goal ranges.

  • Direct connection to your Grocery Shopping List. Simply select a food you need to purchase in your Recipe Planner and a clean curated Grocery List will be instantly built for you

  • Rotation Meal Summary list to quickly see how your days match up with nutritional totals

Breakfast, Snack, Entrée Meal Creator

Mimzy’s Meal Creator includes:

  • Recipe Name
  • Food item selector based on foods entered and supported with the vast Food Library
  • Personal recipe notes
  • Custom serving sizes based on the Food Library default food item’s nutritional information
  • Selector to highlight if the recipe can be prepared and frozen for easy reference
  • Recipe inspiration and reference link
  • Automated recipe nutritional calculations supporting: Calories, Carbs, Protein, Fiber, Fat, and Sugar
  • Easy food purchase selector that automatically gets fed into your Grocery Shopping List
  • A full recipe summary including all nutritional totals for fast and easy viewing
  • Starter Recipes to use for guidance at a click of a button